In my 5 years of work experience, I noticed that the role and responsibility of a UX Designer will significantly vary with the size of the company and industry one is involved with. I worked in a design studio that involves multiple designers in one project and we rarely get to collaborate with the developers. Later, I worked for a startup company where I was held responsible for the design of an entire project and I get to coordinate with developers daily until the project goes live. Also, I worked as a part-time freelancer during the COVID-19 lock-downs and it has its kind of pain point and advantages.

For entry-level designers, it is important to understand what goes inside an organization. Based on my experience I tried to differentiate how UX design roles can vary depending on the company’s size and industry.

Startup companies

Startups are companies that are in their initial stages of business. They might be developing a product or service that is not launched into the market yet. Such businesses are privately owned with few employees. A lot of UX designers consider joining startups as they can see the impact of their work more quickly and develop a broader range of skills.


  • Close-knit team and able to work directly with top management in the company.
  • Can become a UX Generalist as one will be involved in multiple fields of design.
  • Usually more creative freedom with fewer guidelines and feedback sessions.
  • Lots of impact on final products, with few people working on a project.
  • Exponential career growth if the start-up kicks off well.


  • Fewer mentors to choose from.
  • Most of the responsibility for a UX project might fall solely on one person, which can be stressful.
  • Less exposure with corporate methodologies like Agile and waterfall.
  • Have to be comfortable working in quick timelines and fast moving teams.

IT solution (MNC) companies

At an MNC like TCS, you’re likely to work in teams on a specific project. However, unlike product MNC companies you may not find many UX designers involved in each project. Lots of UX designers want to work at big companies with the people who developed some of the most well-known products in the world. UX teams at larger companies tend to be more compartmentalized by specialization, making it easier for you to become an expert in one particular area of UX.


• Close involvement with developers and clients.

• Clearer guidelines to keep products uniform and on brand.

• Exposure to client’s business domain.


• Lot of redesigns as a UX designer will receive feedback from clients, developers and program managers who may not be aware of design principles.

• One may not get to involve in the project from the start.

  • Defined guidelines of the project can be restrictive to creativity.

Product (MNC) companies

At an MNC like Google, you’re likely to work with a large group of UX designers on a specific project. These companies tend to be more compartmentalized by specialization making it easier for candidates to become an expert in one particular area of UX. Lots of UX designers want to work at product MNCs like Google as they have cutting-edge UX standards and they add tons of value to resumes.


• Involvement with developers depends on the specialization and project

• Huge budgets are allocated for user research

• Clearer guidelines to keep products uniform and on-brand.

• More people working on one project, which means you’re better able to focus on your specific responsibilities.

• Opportunity to focus on one particular area of design.


• May feel less impactful as a contributor with lots of other designers on the project.

• May feel small at a company with thousands of employees

• Defined guidelines can be restrictive to creativity.

Design agencies

A design agency is a one-stop shop for visual brands, products, and services. Working at a design agency can be similar in some ways to working at a small business or startup, except you have multiple companies as your clients. Many agencies tend to work on a broad range of products, so you can explore many kinds of styles and approaches to UX design.


  • Lots of impact on projects, if you’re the only UX designer on the team.
  • Huge scope for networking and opportunity to work with senior stakeholders, different teams, and diverse clients.
  • Exposure to lots of domains and industries
  • Can build a solid resume with multiple portfolios.


• Might come to Monotony if one is being involved with the same type of projects.

• Might not be able to work on a project from start to finish.

  • Products you work on might not launch, depending on client priorities.
  • Less to no interaction with developers.


Freelancers are self-employed UX designers who are hired by clients for their independent services. Being a freelancer gives you a lot of freedom, and it’s a great way for new UX designers to gain experience in the field and add work to their portfolios.


• Work at your hours since you’re self-employed.

• Can work on multiple projects at the same time

• Choose the work that you want to do.


• Less stable than working for a company or agency, since work is not always guaranteed.

• Manage the logistics of your own business, such as filing taxes, billing clients, and more.

• Lack of readily available mentors since you’re working by yourself.
